Sunday, February 11, 2024

 Global Play Day

This year Global Play Day was a half day! We packed in lots of games and cooperative learning from 9-12. 

The children explored with stencils, puzzles, coloring books, musical instruments, stuffed animals, and dolls.
They enjoyed playing board games, using cards and crafts with their friends.  The children even made fishing rods/paper fish and pretended to "go fishing" in the classroom!
The children played all around the classroom including the tables, the floor, the rug area and on desks.  Children love GPD for many reasons but mostly because it is a FUN time with FRIENDS.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Our Senior Reader and Friend


Denise W. : From the Littleton Elder and Human Services for our 
"Book Buddies" Program

Our classroom is fortunate to partner with the Littleton Elder and Human Services and have Denise as our book buddy this school year.  Denise is a wonderful reader and friend to us.  She comes to read and share her love of literature with the class nearly every week.  

This past week, Denise shared 3 books but the class favorite was...
The Book With No Words.  She remembered that the class requested the book and the class literally screamed in excitement when Denise pulled it out of her bag.  Ha! Ha!